See how SSK has embraced the baggage handling industry with a unique set of ship loading/unloading equipment in the Baggage Handling Gallery.  This equipment was designed to meet end user requirements and have been refined over many years of end user feedback.  The product line continues to expand as customer requirements change.  We provide only the best products through communication.  Each equipment order includes safety, maintenance and operation manuals as well as a complete tool and spare parts kit.  Optional accessories are also available. 

Double Loader/Unloader:  Twice the capacity of the single loader - Simultaneously load and unload or Unload twice as fast so people have their luggage with no waithing on even the biggest of ships.

Single Loader/Unloader Style 1:  Load and Unload luggage carts onto a cruise ship so passangers have their luggage available asap.  The loader adjusts with the tide so Loading/Unloading never stops.

Single Loader/Unloader Style 2:  Same functionality as the Style 1 Loader/Unloader with a different color scheme.

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